Understanding Child Support and Health Insurance in Denver, Colorado

When it comes to divorce proceedings, child support is a major factor, especially when it comes to determining which parent will be responsible for providing health insurance for the child. In Denver, Colorado, the court follows specific guidelines and factors to determine this responsibility.

What is Child Support in Denver, Colorado?

Child support is a court-ordered financial contribution that one parent pays to the other for the benefit of their child. It is meant to cover the child's basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, and medical care.

In Denver, Colorado, child support is calculated based on the income of both parents and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. When it comes to health insurance, the court considers it an essential part of child support. It ensures that the child has access to necessary medical care without causing a financial burden on one parent.

Factors Considered by the Court

The court takes into account several factors when deciding which parent will be responsible for providing health insurance for the child. These factors include:
  • Income of Both Parents: The court looks at the income of both parents to determine their ability to provide health insurance for the child. If one parent has a significantly higher income than the other, they may be ordered to provide health insurance.
  • Custodial Arrangements: The amount of time each parent spends with the child is also considered.

    If one parent has primary custody, they may be ordered to provide health insurance for the child.

  • Cost of Health Insurance: The cost of health insurance is also taken into account. If one parent has access to affordable health insurance through their employer, they may be ordered to provide it for the child.
  • Availability of Public Health Insurance: If the child is eligible for public health insurance, the court may order the parent with a lower income to enroll the child in such a program.
  • Special Needs of the Child: If the child has any special medical needs, the court may consider this when determining which parent will provide health insurance.

The Role of Child Support Guidelines

In Denver, Colorado, child support is calculated using specific guidelines set by the state. These guidelines take into account the income of both parents, the number of children, and other factors. The court uses these guidelines as a starting point when determining child support and health insurance responsibilities. However, these guidelines are not set in stone, and the court has the discretion to deviate from them if necessary.

The court may consider other factors that are not included in the guidelines when making a decision.

Modifying Child Support and Health Insurance Orders

In some cases, circumstances may change after a child support and health insurance order has been issued. For example, one parent may lose their job or experience a significant increase in income. In such cases, either parent can request a modification of the child support and health insurance order. The court will review the request and consider any changes in circumstances before making a decision. If there is a significant change in income or other factors, the court may modify the child support and health insurance order accordingly.

Enforcing Child Support and Health Insurance Orders

Unfortunately, not all parents comply with child support and health insurance orders.

In such cases, the parent who is supposed to receive support can seek enforcement through various means, including wage garnishment, tax refund interception, and suspension of driver's license or professional licenses. It is essential to note that failure to provide health insurance for the child can also result in penalties and enforcement actions. The court takes the health and well-being of the child seriously and will not hesitate to enforce orders to ensure that their needs are met.


Child support and health insurance are essential aspects of divorce proceedings in Denver, Colorado. The court follows specific guidelines and considers various factors when determining which parent will be responsible for providing health insurance for their kid. It is important for both parents to understand their obligations and comply with court orders to ensure that their child's needs are met.

Theodore Bueschel
Theodore Bueschel

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